Saturday 26 May 2012

Drugs Addicts - You Can Certainly Say Yes to Life NOW...! Treatment Clinics Is Here Now:)

Dear All,

We all know that drugs are bad for you, but how much damage do they really make? Here you have some mugshots of drug addicts that use meth, it is part of the project “Faces of Meth” by Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office. You can see two mugshots of each person, and they show different time periods so you can see how much drugs can change your appearance in just some years or even months. Some of them are not even recognizable because of the changes the drug has done to them. It would be a good idea to show high school kids these mugshots so that they get how dangerous drugs are.

There are millions of Americans right now suffering with addictions. Whether it is alcohol, marijuana or prescription pills use, addiction can be devastating. Recent studies have shown that there are over 7-million people in the US who are struggling with addiction. The struggle can be an uphill battle without the right team in place to facilitate the transition into healthy living. One thing our intake specialists understand is how that transition can be a bumpy road if not carefully nurtured into existence. When you reach out to us, we will take the utmost of care to find the right treatment center for your specific needs. The bottom line is that not everyone can flourish with the same treatment program. Our value comes in our customization of treatment for the needs of our clients. A lot of treatment solutions offer a one-stop shop where there is only one resolution to everyone who knocks on their doors. This is not the case with us! Our intake specialists are trained thoroughly to ask the right questions and illuminate the right path for our callers to take. We don't just "put" our clients somewhere-we take the time to listen to them, their needs and their individual situations. Once we do a thorough assessment, we have the resources to take treatment to the next level. Our specialists see the intake process as important an element to wellness as any other. It is the first brave step drug and alcohol addicts take on their journeys to a new and better life!
The intake specialists of The Treatment Clinics are uniquely trained to be your strength through the entire life-changing process of sobriety. We understand the stigmas of addiction too. How many times have you heard someone-even a loved one- say "You could do it if you just tried harder!" or "You have to muster the willpower to stay sober this time!" Many still believe that drug and alcohol addiction fall into the category of weakness or lack of discipline. The reality though is that research has proven the chemical reaction in the brain for an addict is the same as the chemical reaction to other diseases. Cancer, multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis are all diseases that are commonly accepted as such. No one faces the same stigma or criticisms as drug addicts do, when they too are suffering due to being out of control. At Treatment Clinics, we understand the mental changes that an addict deals with and approach treatment with the utmost in respect, dignity and care.
We also understand the rigors of a treatment program. Whether you are looking for weekly counseling or a residential program, we can help you to understand the process. For mild addictions, sometimes a good therapist and behavior modification can break the power of addiction. They may teach the addict alternative methods of stress-relief and stress- management. They may order rest, relaxation and massage therapy or even acupuncture to the client. There are some addicts who find this is the right solution for them. They have the innate nature that immediately takes to mild/moderate therapy and works for them. Other drug and alcohol addicts need more intense treatment. These are the people who likely are going to need a residential program to fully meet their needs. On this end of the spectrum, detoxification is a likely aspect of their treatment. Detoxification, or detox for short, is a collective of controlled interventions that help a patient through their withdrawal from drugs and alcohol. The process is meant to clean the system of all controlled substances, allowing the addict to experience life without the crutch of drugs or alcohol. It isn't an easy process, but for some serious addicts it is a necessary one. Not only does it cleanse their system, but it gives them the chance to get in touch with feelings that have long been suppressed. Once those feelings come to light, a customized therapy treatment is the next step. Having a team of support staff at the right facility is critical to managing this intense level of treatment for addiction. Regardless of the severity of addiction, long- term care is also a concern. Our addiction specialists are going to work with you to find the perfect intake facility or program, system of wellness and long-term support. Our goal is to make you a fully-functioning and aware human being without the unmanageable weight of drug and alcohol addiction!
If you are ready to take the first step to sobriety, then first of all, we congratulate you! You are part of a brave and honorable group that strives for health and wellness. We look forward to helping you along on that journey! Just take a few minutes to fill out the form below with some basic information- your name, a contact number and your specific addictions- and we'll do the rest. One of our intake specialists will contact you within 48-hours to gauge the perfect treatment facility to fit your needs. If you are looking to finally get your life under control, then let us be your partner on the road to sobriety. Let this be the last day you suffer at the hands of drug or alcohol addiction and let tomorrow be the first day, of the rest of your life!
Is your life spiraling out of control due to drug or alcohol use? Do you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders? Are you tired of being on a downward plunge into self-destruction? Are you done losing friends and family due to your addiction problems? You are not alone! At Treatment Clinics we specialize in helping people just like you. Whether you are on the brink of going overboard, or you have gone there time and time again, we have the resources to help. Our trained and caring staff is here to listen to you and then get you into the treatment program custom-made for your needs.
Even if you have tried other solutions before, we can help. Our uniqueness comes in the empathy and professionalism of our intake staff. By asking you a series of questions, they are able to direct you to the perfect type of care program you need. We have a proven track record of success and helped thousands of former addicts find safety in recovery. Our team is here for one reason- to help you live free from substance addiction.
Reach out to us at our immediate treatment hotline 1-855-313-1809. Let our intake specialists talk with you, find out your specific needs and then get you the help you deserve. You also can fill out our online intake-form at the bottom of this page and let our team respond via the internet. Either way, we are here to help you get on the road to addiction recovery and in the end, wellness. If you are ready, we are ready. Let us help make you whole and healthy again!

Adams Walker, 

Sales & Support Associate,
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Toll Free: 1-855-313-1809

1 comment:

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